A Common Service Library for Node

All of our applications separate web front end development and delivery from the back end. Our backend services are REST only services–no templates, HTML generation, or views; just REST with JSON responses. Components common to all REST services including bootstrap,...

created July 15, 2014;

A Node Production Logger

What started out as a simple node logger to replace more heavy-weight loggers has become our standard logger for simple scripts as well as production servers. And as of version 0.91.90, with the ability to log domain, category, and levels...

created June 30, 2014;

Node Web Application Runner

Our web applications always separate development efforts between backend services and client front end. This allows us to independently develop either back or front end then tie the two together with JSON encode REST calls.

This approach requires a separate...

created June 15, 2014;

Javascript Asynchronous Operations

Javascript is single threaded. That’s good. But to take advantage of our ever increasing multi-processor world, we need to adopt functional solutions. Thats where asynchronous operations come in.

Javascript applications that run in the browser or in node have asynchronous...

created June 1, 2014;